Monday, January 23, 2012

Pretty Places & People.

Back in the old city with the crowded buildings seeming endlessly cold. We sat across from each other at the table. My head propped, empty glass in hand & he talked & talked & I wasn't listening to a single thing. Instead watching the way his mouth formed the words. & I asked him when he feels the most alive but he didn't know.

& then one morning I woke up to light pouring in my window, the snow was melting so that it flowed in streams from the trees, back where it came from. Winter was over & at night I would rather dream alone in my bed. The next afternoon we stretched lazily in the breeze after running as fast as we could through groups of people & counted the tawny rabbits hiding in the bushes, gathered feathers & twigs to put in neat vases back home.

The hours go forward quickly & soon we are out of our cases on display, smiling, laughing, perfect light for the perfect photo op, all legs & teeth & hair & wit & charm & bad music & secrets whispered in ears, girls screaming, eyes drilling, but he grabs my face while telling me. . .

& now I've slept long enough to stay up the next month, I've spent all my money so everything is free. Buds are sprouting through the ground. I fall, I break, I grow, I believe in something that is pulling me each & every day to some indefinite destination. Who knows when I'll arrive.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Short Short Short.

I watched a young man sleeping on a train. & I wasn't wondering what he was dreaming, instead I just imagined what he looks like having sex. I practiced my french and minded my manners.

A city of smog & music & mystery & everyone together, but not really. I watched a man jump from a building to his death & now the building doesn't seem so high. That night I woke up from a dream laughing & I tried to explain to him that it really wasn't that funny.

I made a kite by tying a paper bag to a string. & when the wind picked up I let go. Even as it drifted away it wasn't free. Toujours! Toujours! I try to stay awake forever but I end up hating myself in the morning.

I dreamt of sunshine & seashores & trails of pearls. Woke up not clammy or anxious for once. I found some hidden treasures, they are my sparkly shiny secrets. I've not been able to cry in days even though I am sad. His skin was cold & I was too young to be his rain forest. Will I have to say goodbye soon?

A pitter pat in her ballet flat- she licked her lips like a tiger striped cat. She loved everything & because of this she was never free.

None of this will make sense.